2018 has been a year of twists and turns with some key lessons learned on the business and personal front

2018 has been a year of twists and turns with some key lessons learned on the business and personal front:

  1. Trust your gut, it is never wrong.
  2. Hire slow and fire fast.
  3. If you love what you do your business becomes your personal life too.
  4. Nobody cares about you once they have left, get over it and don’t be surprised by people’s actions when they are out of your sphere of influence.
  5. Nobody cares about your business like you do and you shouldn’t expect then to.
  6. Be careful who you engage your energy with. Not every invitation requires your acceptance. And vice versa.
  7. When things go wrong act immediately.
  8. Be patient – it’s a long game and remember it’s all a game.
  9. Today’s problems are tomorrow’s memories.
  10. Spend time up front training employees – it pays huge dividends in the long run.
  11. Greatest impact on wealth creation is from long term buy and hold but cash flow is king to stay in the game.
  12. Don’t introduce processes/KPI’s till the business needs them.
  13. You are good enough, back yourself.
  14. Lifestyle businesses are what most of us want, be careful to nurture the baby and don’t create a monster.
  15. Shit happens for a reason even if you don’t realise it at the time.