Stepping Stones to your Success!

It was nice to be featured in a recent press release from the Property Investors Network:

I often meet property investors who want to get instant success, but fail to recognise that you do need to put time and effort into your property journey, if you really want to be successful.

It’s all about stepping stones. One step at a time and one thing leads to another.

There are 4 steps to success:

  1. The best way for you to succeed, is to first of all take some action. Getting started can be the hardest thing due to all the other distractions in life. It does not matter if you don’t know what your strategy is, or where to you want to invest. Just do something to get going.
  2. Then all you need to do is take baby steps, doing something each day to move you towards your goal. This will start to give you momentum and you will start to see results form your effort.
  3. Then you need to keep going. Far too many people give up, just before they get the success they desire. Persistence is essential.
  4. Finally, when you are ready, you will realise that you can achieve far more when you get some help from other people. You don’t have to do this on your own. Why make this hard on yourself? Don’t re-invent the wheel. Put yourself into a supportive environment who will encourage you, and also hold you to account.

Let me share an inspirational case study with you, that illustrates these points.

You may remember that this time last year, we sent you a video case study about Billy Turriff, who had just finished his 12-month Property Mastermind Programme and the inspiring results he achieved.

Billy had previously been investing part time in Liverpool for about 12 years, and had a portfolio of about 10 properties giving him a reasonable income.

However, Billy, who was a high paid management consultant, wanted to completely replace his income from his property investing. He decided to join me on the Property Mastermind to step up his game. His results were fantastic!

He more than tripled his portfolio in just 1 year, and also moved into property development. This was very impressive, especially as he did it whilst living 6000km away in Dubai.

If you missed this inspirational case study, click here to watch it now

But the story does not end there

Another 12 months on, and Billy is still growing his portfolio. Now he is being approached by other successful investors who want to work with him.

For example Ant Lyons, who is a very successful investor and editor of Your Property Network magazine (YPN), approached Billy to bring him into a £2m+ development of 10 luxury apartments in Plymouth.

This is being funded by CrowdProperty who funded Billy’s last large development project.

Last week we did a webinar all about this and I thought you might like to watch the webinar replay, to find out all about his latest development and how he got invited to be involved.

Again you will be inspired by what he has achieved by taking action and persisting.

Click here to watch the webinar replay now

I am going to send you more educational case studies later this month, to inspire you as you what you can achieve.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Kind regards,
Simon Zutchi

Simon Zutshi
Founder of the Property Investors Network

If you would like to talk to Billy about Property Mastermind or participating in the Plymouth deal on Crowd Property please contact Billy directly.